When you purchase a GIA certified diamond from Australian Diamond Brokers, you can rest assured that your diamond has been through a rigorous and unbiased inspection process to determine its quality and worth.
The letters GIA is an acronym for The Gemologcial Institute of America, a non-profit research and educational institution which has a guiding mission of upholding integrity in the diamond industry. All GIA certified diamonds come with a diamond grading report, as well as a laser inscription number that gives you more information than you’ll proabably want to know about your certified diamond.
Advantages of GIA certified diamonds
The diamond industry bases prices of diamonds on the GIA standard. Basically what we are saying is that if you are buying a diamond, and it has a GIA certificate, it is your guarantee that you have a diamond that is recognised in all the different parts of the Globe.
A GIA certified diamond is also your guarantee that you have got what you paid for. A big statement but I believe this to be true.
If you want to upgrade the ring in the future, it will be easier to find diamonds with comparable characteristics.
If your diamond ring is lost or stolen, you will have less trouble with your insurance company if you have the GIA certificate, which indicates your diamond’s exact properties.
How to buy a GIA certified diamond from Australian Diamond Brokers
The majority of diamonds listed on our Search for a Diamond page are GIA certified diamonds and will be clearly listed as such. If there is also a scanned certificate available, you can click on the “View Certificate” link to view the scanned certficate copy. Once you are happy with the diamond you are looking at, you can contact us about that diamond by completing the form for that diamond.